
Are Animal Goods Considered Trinkets Assassins Creed

Trade goods was an Animus designation for some items the misthios Kassandra nerveless during the Peloponnesian War. Their provenance was varied, being establish inside containers and chests, every bit well as on people and animals. Though many different trade goods existed, their only use was the monetary value. Blacksmiths would buy all of these, regardless of their nature or type.[i]

Image Proper noun Rarity Base of operations value Clarification "Goo-Werry" Common The "goo-werry" looks as pretty as information technology sounds.

ACOD Antlers.png

Antlers Common 9 Purple antlers from a deer. Artaxerxes' Treasure Legendary 4125 Riches beyond imagination are inside this breast. Creative person Contract Common 10 This contract describes the hiring of an artist past the archons to pigment propaganda on Naxos. Asphodel Flowers Mutual 6 More than mere plants, the roots of these white flowers are the primary nutrition for citizens of the underworld. Astra's Necklace Mutual 100 Taken from the corpse of Astra, this pearly necklace one time belonged to Timon's brother. After he was killed, information technology made a pretty souvenir for Deianeira's cousin.

ACOD Barley Crops.png

Barley Crops Common 3 Barley is a common grain that's used in soups, stews, and most chiefly, for paying off the Spartans. Acquit Fang Mutual 6 A big bear fang. It'southward all the same sharp.

ACOD Bear Fur.png

Comport Fur Rare 42 Keeps you warm in the cold of winter.

ACOD Boar Hoof.png

Boar Hoof Common four The hoof of a boar.

ACOD Boar Tusk.png

Boar Tusk Rare 45 Long ivory tusks.

ACOD Bread.png

Bread Common ane A crusty bread ideal for a light meal.

ACOD Broken Armguards.png

Broken Armguards Mutual 8 An unusable pair of broken metal armguards.

ACOD Broken Belt.png

Broken Chugalug Common half dozen A cleaved buckle and frayed leather strips are the but traits of this belt.

ACOD Broken Helmet.png

Broken Helmet Mutual vii It'south barely holding together. Information technology will offer no protection.

ACOD Broken Scepter.png

Broken Scepter Common ix Once a great fighting weapon. Can notwithstanding be used in a burn pit.

ACOD Broken Shield.png

Broken Shield Common six This crumbling shield was shattered after a terrible affect of some kind.

ACOD Broken Spear.png

Broken Spear Mutual These are the remains of a once-corking Spartan spear. The pieces are fairly worthless.

ACOD Chicken Egg.png

Craven Egg Common iii The question of "which came starting time" between the chicken or the egg is a strong debate amongst Greek philosophers. Chios Acquit Skin Common 300 This acquit skin is soft to the touch.

ACOD Chisel.png

Chisel Common eight A chisel like this is frequently used to cut or shape wood, rock, and other hard materials.

ACOD Clay Bowl.png

Clay Bowl Common 4 This small bowl is made from clay and is perfect.

ACOD Clay Cup.png

Clay Loving cup Common 3 This loving cup appears to be role of a matching prepare. Cow Hoof Mutual 12 The hoof of a cow.

ACOD Damaged Hide.png

Damaged Hide Common ii Creature skin, weathered and torn. Information technology'southward unsalvageable.

ACOD Donkey Hoof.png

Donkey Hoof Common iii The hoof of a donkey. He-Haw, He-Haw.

ACOD Empty Amphora.png

Empty Amphora Common 2 Despite this amphora being empty, a strong smell emanates from inside. Fancy Necklace Common 36 This expensive-looking jewelry will interest any merchant.

ACOD Fresh Cabbage.png

Fresh Cabbage Mutual 2 A delicious cabbage that would be well in soup if that's what you lot're into.

ACOD Fresh Fish.png

Fresh Fish Mutual vi This large, fresh fish was caught today straight from the Aegean.

ACOD Garden Peas.png

Garden Peas Mutual 3 Several vibrant green pods of fresh peas that make for deliciously sweet snacks.

ACOD Goat Cheese.png

Goat Cheese Common 5 For a simple meal, some caprine animal cheese and a salad is a fine way to start. Golden Egg Legendary 550000 First apples, and now eggs. But at to the lowest degree this one is guaranteed to fetch a good toll.

ACOD Green Apple.png

Green Apple tree Common 2 Green apples provide amazing wellness benefits and should be eaten daily.

ACOD Golden Statue.png

Gilt Statue Legendary 286 A modest statue fabricated of solid aureate. Half-Eaten Apple Legendary 1980 There were those who believed that when fed to a horse, this apple could transform a fauna into Pegasos. Predictably, they were wrong.

ACOD Hammer.png

Hammer Mutual xi A solid hammer similar this is used for shaping metals at a forge or for re-shaping faces in battle. Heirloom Amulet Common 1000 This amulet was apparently passed down from generation to generation as a precious family heirloom.

ACOD Hound Claws.png

Hound Claws Common ii The long, precipitous claws of a hound.

ACOD Hound Skull.png

Hound Skull Mutual 7 The skull of a vicious hound.

ACOD Ibex Horn.png

Ibex Horn Mutual 8 Growing in popularity every bit a sculpting material.

ACOD Jar of Honey.png

Jar of Honey Common 12 A pocket-size jar of nature's sweetest liquid, love.

ACOD Lavender.png

Lavender Common six Lavender is a vibrant flower with a pleasing olfactory property.

ACOD Leopard Fang.png

Leopard Fang Mutual v The fang of a leopard.

ACOD Leopard Fur.png

Leopard Fur Rare 47 The exotic, spotted fur of a leopard.

ACOD Lion Claw.png

Panthera leo Claw Mutual 14 The claw of a lion.

ACOD Lion Fang.png

Lion Fang Rare 40 The fang of a king of beasts.

ACOD Lion Mane.png

Lion Mane Common 38 The mane of a mighty lion.

ACOD Lost Key.png

Lost Key Common ii An iron key that probable opens a door or a breast somewhere.

ACOD Lynx Claw.png

Lynx Claw Common 4 The claw of a Lynx.

ACOD Lynx Fang.png

Lynx Fang Rare 37 The fang of a Lynx. Mercenary Clue Epic 320 The note contains detailed information on the tracked mercenary. Miltos Rare 2500 A rare and valuable material that was highly sought after by Athens, and found on the isle of Keos. Minoan Artifact Legendary 8250 An aboriginal Antiquity of the Minoan people. This rare object will be worth a lot of drachmae to the right people. Minotaur Hoof Elixir Common five This elixir, made entirely of basis-up Minotaur hoof, is completely guaranteed to cure any trouble. But wait, there's more...

ACOD - Obsidian Eye.png

Obsidian Eye Legendary 2750 The Cyclops e'er took a liking to the finer things in life. What then, was equally extravagant as an obsidian eye?


Obsidian Middle Fragment Quest Item N / A Slightly scuffed and really stinky.

ACOD Ornamented Earrings.png

Ornamented Earrings Mutual 32 Small earrings, busy with rare gems. Owl Plumage

ACOD Pig's Tail.png

Grunter's Tail Common 3 Small curly tail of a pig. Pouch of Drachmae Legendary 363 A small bag containing drachmae. Raw Meat Common iv Big slice of raw meat, perfect for cooking.

ACOD Red Apple.png

Carmine Apple tree Common 3 Red apples are considered sacred to the Goddess Aphrodite and are often used as a declaration of dear.

ACOD Rotten Meat.png

Rotten Meat Common 1 The smell of this meat is enough to make y'all retch. It's non suitable for consumption. Roxana's Shield Epic 3343 The goddess Athena herself would be pleased to possess a shield such equally this.

ACOD Rusty Labrys.png

Rusty Labrys Common 14 An quondam, rusty labrys that will probably suspension on the next swing.

ACOD Rusty Mace.png

Rusty Mace Common 15 A rusty mace, as well damaged to employ.

ACOD Rusty Sword.png

Rusty Sword Common 12 A rusty sword, too damaged to employ.

ACOD Shark Fin.png

Shark Fin Rare 42 A popular soup ingredient.

ACOD Shark Teeth.png

Shark Teeth Epic 328 The razor-precipitous teeth of a shark.

ACOD Sheep hoof.png

Sheep hoof Common 6 The hoof of a sheep.

ACOD Shiny Bracelet.png

Shiny Bracelet Common 35 Expensive-looking metal bracelet.

ACOD Shiny Ring.png

Shiny Ring Mutual 34 A ring of a precious metal.

ACOD Sullied Rag.png

Sullied Rag Common 1 An old rag that'south stained beyond recognition. It requires a serious wash.

ACOD Torch.png

Torch Common 1 A wooden stick with an oil-soaked rag on the end.

ACOD Unidentified Hand.png

Unidentified Hand Mutual 12 This manus once belonged to someone. Who knows why information technology was removed? Used Dirt Tablet Common 2 A contract to kill someone who strangely matches your description. Used Knife Common 2 This used knife might be quondam, but its blade is still quite abrupt.

ACOD Viper Fang.png

Viper Fang Common 9 The fang of a poisonous viper.

ACOD Wheat.png

Wheat Common v This wheat is a rich and vibrant gold color. It must have been harvested from Arkadia.

ACOD Wolf Fang.png

Wolf Fang Mutual 7 The fang of a wolf.

ACOD Wolf Fur.png

Wolf Fur Rare 40 The pelt of a wolf.


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