
Do Transition Lenses Filter Blue Light


The part of light in the visual experience

Light is essential to the development of visual part

Lite is an element of life, a major environmental cistron in homo development. Information technology plays a meaning role in how we process sensory information, impacting our visual experience from the point of nascency and throughout our lives.

Visual perception occurs when low-cal strikes the retina of the center. The pupil of the iris serves as the optical diaphragm of the middle affecting the path of light rays which are refracted by the cornea and the crystalline lens on their way to the retina. Numerous deprivation experiments have demonstrated that ocular growth and refraction evolution are regulated past visual information. Light is essential in providing this information on diurnal species by transmitting signals which are converted by the brain into visual perception. This acquisition of visual part is experienced as early as infancy and is essential to healthy development.

Light plays a key office in visual performance

The iris acts every bit a natural optical diaphragm for expanding (dilation) or retracting (constriction) its fundamental aperture. Depending essentially on lighting conditions and age, the diameter of the pupil ranges from 2mm to 8mm. Variations in the diameter of the pupil are acquired by a movement reflex that regulates the low-cal flux incident and, subsequently, visual performance. The visual system as a whole is sensitive over a wide range of light levels from starlight to brilliant sunlight but, despite the regulation of the pupil aperture, it cannot operate over the entire range simultaneously. An accommodation is required to arrange the light sensitivity of the visual organisation to different low-cal levels. When the adaptation is in progress, visual performance is reduced. One time the process is complete, visual capabilities depend on the new level of low-cal.

Light plays a fundamental role in visual operation

There are two main lighting weather with which the visual system has to deal: daylight (photopic) and dark (scotopic). Between photopic and scotopic levels is a range called mesopic, which corresponds roughly to twilight. The human eye has three types of light sensitive cells (photoreceptors) in the retina – cones, rods and ganglion cells – that procedure sensory information (Tabular array i). Cones are highly concentrated in the key area of the retina (macula) and are responsible for providing daylight sharp image resolution and colour detection. Rods are largely distributed in the periphery of the retina. Having high sensitivity, they are required for scotopic vision but provide low resolution and lack of color information. The ganglion cells or ipRGCs (intrinsic photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells) express the melanopsin-based photopigment. These melanopsin ganglion cells are crucial for relaying lite data from the retina to the brain to control circadian rhythms, pupillary light reflex, sleep and many other body functions. (Sand A. et al., 2012, Gronfier 2013).[eleven, 09]

Table ane. Summary of principal lighting conditions (Boyce, 2001).[vi]

The lord's day is the well-nigh powerful source of light

The solar spectrum

The lord's day emits a tremendous amount of energy in the form of wide electromagnetic radiation. From cosmic rays to radio waves (Fig. 1), the bulk of solar emissions are not visible to human being photoreceptors. Just a thin portion – at wavelengths (λ) between 380nm and 780nm – provides the visible light that interacts with the heart's photoreceptors – enabling the states to meet the globe. When visible solar radiation reaches the Globe's surface it is scattered throughout the atmosphere, especially in the blue-violet region corresponding to the shortest wavelengths (380-460nm) of visible light and subsequently to the highest free energy.

Electromagnetic radiation and the visible spectrum
Fig. 1: Electromagnetic radiation and the visible spectrum

The risks associated to UV exposure

Beyond the visible spectrum, sunlight emits ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths shorter than 380nm – commonly referred to as UV – and infrared radiations with wavelengths greater than 780nm. Ultraviolet radiations arriving on earth surface is divided into UVB (280-315nm) and UVA (315-380nm). At body of water level, about 10 percentage of radiation is UV, 50 percent is visible and forty pct is infrared.

Exposure to the sunday for an extended period of time produces erythema and affects skin pigmentation, causing burning or tanning. Both UVA and UVB penetrate the atmosphere freely and play a critical role in advancing more severe health conditions like premature skin crumbling (ex: wrinkles) and certain skin cancers (ex: carcinoma) which can bear upon the eyelids and facial skin. In a good for you adult, more than 99 percent of UV radiation is captivated by the anterior part of the heart (eyelid, ocular surface, crystalline lens). Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is well established as a major cause of eyelid malignancies, photokeratis, climatic droplet keratopathy, pterygium and cortical cataract (Yam 2014, Behar-Cohen et al. 2014). [17, 3] There is bereft show to support the proposal that Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is related to UV exposure, and information technology is now suggested that AMD run a risk is probably more closely related to exposure to visible radiations, especially blue light (Yam 2014). [17]

Bluish light

The bluish sky is evidence that blueish light is nowadays in directly sunlight. Since blue light is higher in energy than other wavelengths in the visible spectrum (Fig. 2), it scatters more throughout the atmosphere (Rayleigh scattering) and makes the sky announced blue. Bluish light makes upwardly 25-thirty percent of daylight.

Daylight source spectra
Fig. 2: Daylight source spectra

While blueish light is emitted naturally past the sun, it can too be produced by numerous artificial light sources commonly found indoors. Lite-emitting diodes (LEDs) are gaining an increased share of the domestic lighting market because of their high efficiency of luminance and low energy consumption. Widely found in digital screen technologies and displays, LEDs exhibit a high emission blue summit, centered at 430nm (Fig. 3).

Artificial cool white LED source spectrum
Fig. 3: Bogus cool white LED source spectrum

Harmful Blueish Light

The phototoxicity of blue lite

As a role of visible lite, blueish light passes through the eye structure, reaching the retina. Due to its college level of energy than the other wavelengths in the visible spectrum, it is potentially harmful to the retina. Depending on exposure weather (low-cal intensity, duration, periodicity) it may induce dissimilar types of reactions, including photochemical lesions (Rozanowska et al., 2009). [16]. Laboratory experiments showed that blue calorie-free is harmful (Sparrow et al., 2000)[xiv] and peculiarly it has been demonstrated that exposure to blue violet light with a maximum meridian centered on 435+/- xx nm can induce irreversible jail cell death in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), located in the external layer of the retina (Arnault et al., 2013). [one] These amercement contribute to the aging process of the eye and may lead to the development of pathologies such as AMD, the major cause of blindness in the elderly in developed countries. In epidemiological studies addressing long term chronic exposure to bluish light, the Beaver Dam Eye study demonstrated that there is a strong correlation between outdoor activities (sunlight exposure) and early incidence of AMD changes (Cruickshanks et al., 2001, Tomany et al., 2004). [seven, fifteen]

The different levels of blue light exposure

Amount of bluish violet light is characterized past the intensity of emitted lite of varied sources (Tabular array 2). Sunlight is by far the strongest source of blue light at least 100 times greater than artificial sources (Fig. 4).

Table 2:  420-440 nm integrated Irradiance values (w/m2) of common bogus calorie-free sources against solar diffused lite (Transitions Optical internal measurements)

There is a pregnant difference in the level of blue low-cal when facing into the sunday (direct) and facing away from the sun (indirect). In actuality, no 1 looks directly at the sunday since there is a natural disfavor to sources of high glare. Humans often brand adjustments by moving their head or their eyes or by relying on automatic reflexes like blinking, squinting and pupillary constriction. The centre can be bailiwick to more serious effects due to multiple reflections of sunlight onto white surfaces. For example, the reflection of the sun at noon on sand or snow tin can achieve 10 times more luminance than the blue sky (Behar-Cohen et al., 2011). [4]

The affect of blue-violet low-cal exposure depends on the amount of full light reaching the retina: the retinal irradiance, which is characterized by the radiant flux (power) received by the retina per unit area. These values vary by the ocular media transmittance and – more chiefly – past concrete factors such equally the eyelid position, which dictates the field of vision and the pupillary discontinuity, making ocular dosimetry far more circuitous than generally appreciated (Sliney 2001, 2005). [12, 13] More investigations demand to exist washed, only information technology seems reasonable to recall that the level of retinal irradiance in the 435+/- xx nm range is more important outdoors than indoors. Wearing appropriate glasses tin can be worthwhile to prevent from cumulative furnishings of light exposure.

Irradiance spectra of common artificial light sources (top) and direct and indirect sunlight (bottom)

Fig. 4: Irradiance spectra of common artificial lite sources (height) and direct and indirect sunlight (bottom). (Transitions Optical internal measurements)

The center'southward natural protections against blue lite

Physiological structures effectually the centre, like eyelids and eyelashes, provide some protection confronting intense light. The iris pupil also contributes past using constriction to subtract the amount of entering light. While UV transmittance is blocked primarily by the cornea and crystalline lens in healthy adults, blueish calorie-free crosses over these structures to reach the fundus of the centre (Fig. 5). The amount of bluish light reaching the retina depends on the historic period of the eye as, during a lifetime, at that place is a yellowing of the crystalline lens that would typically provide some assimilation in the

Depending on exposure blue light may damage the retina

blue violet region. The fundamental office of the retina is covered by yellow pigments (Macula Lutea), which serve as a filter for incoming blue lite because its absorbance peak in this range (Haddad et all, 2006). [10] Due to assorted factors, macular pigment density tin can be variable from one individual to some other and its power to absorb light evolves during a lifetime. The children are the well-nigh exposed to harmful blue light because they have larger pupil diameter, less concentration of macular pigment and the amount of blue light reaching the retina is 65 % while information technology is 40 % for adults (Behar-Cohen et al., 2015). [5]

UV and blue-violet light path into the human eye
Fig. 5: UV and blue-violet light path into the human heart

Technical optical solutions for Blue Light long-term prevention

With the potential risks associated with outdoor conditions described and the natural protections of the man eye discussed, we now turn our attention to the technical solutions available inside the eyewear industry to forbid from the long-term effects of bluish-violet low-cal. UV protection in eyewear volition not be reviewed here since most high-quality lenses today offer complete protection against UV up to 380nm.

one. Coatings

Anti-cogitating interferential layers may be practical to ophthalmic lenses by evaporating transparent dielectric metal oxides to the anti-scratch blanket on both the convex and concave sides of the lens. The coatings essentially involve stacks created by successive deposits. Processed under vacuum on a few hundred nanometers of low index material (RI ~1.46) and high index cloth (RI ~ 2.ii) of desired thickness (Fig. 6), they provide anti-reflective properties within the visible region of the light spectrum. It is possible to pattern anti-cogitating stacks that offer enhanced protection in the bluish-violet light region by adding a specific reflection element at the wavelength to exist rejected, in this instance 380-460nm. The blue-filtering reflective properties can be effective up to 20 percent while keeping superior anti-cogitating properties agile within the entire remaining visible range. These ophthalmic lenses display loftier clarity indoors and outdoors, and offer reliable indoor protection confronting harmful blue-violet light emitted by electronic devices and artificial lighting while providing moderate outdoor protection as well.

Blue mirror effect of an anti-reflective coating (AR) reflectance spectra
Fig. 6: left: Blue mirror effect of an anti-reflective coating (AR) and  its reflectance spectra (right)

2. Blueish light assimilation with dyes: xanthous filters

Some other way to preclude harmful bluish-violet light from entering the eye is to reduce the unwanted wavelengths by arresting them with yellow dye, a chemic compound whose construction allows absorption in the visible part of the light spectrum of its complementary color: in this case, blue. This is why well-nigh blue-absorbing lenses appear more or less yellow depending on the level of their blue-filtering properties. A highly-efficient blue-blocking lens would announced deep yellow, while a moderately efficient blue-blocking lens would appear just yellowish.

The advantage of the yellow dye solution is that it can reduce a significant corporeality of blue light, but the intense xanthous color is detrimental to its cosmetic appearance and detracts from human being colour perception. A highly intense yellow filter, for example, will induce color distortion despite the power of the brain to adjust chromatically.

There is a way to circumvent the yellow color of an absorbing filter that involves "colour balancing" the tint by adding a small proportion of some other dye. The complementary dye absorbs in another region of the visible spectrum, creating a global neutral greyness filter (Fig. 7). This solution is acceptable for low yellow colors – where color balancing can be efficient – but non possible for dark yellow tones. It should be noted every bit well that color balancing in general is detrimental to the global photopic transmission of a lens since information technology causes a loss of visible transmission (or clarity).

A lens can also be surface tinted by dipping an uncoated lens substrate or a tintable coated lens in a water dye solution at an elevated temperature.

Another solution is to cast lenses with monomers that already contain yellow dyes – and its color balancing agents – in the original formulation. In this example, simply calorie-free tints are doable since darker tints would lead to a non-homogeneous appearance from center to border due to differences in prescription lens thickness (high-minus and high-plus finished lenses).

Blue light absorption with yellow dyes in substrate (left) and neutral color-balanced substrate (right)
Fig. 7: Blue light absorption with yellow dyes in substrate (left) and neutral color-balanced substrate (right)

3. Sunwear

Sunwear lenses are commonly grouped by IS0 8983-three standards as class iii, providing 10-15% of photopic transmission (Idiot box), or the darker grade 4 category (Goggle box < 8%).

In the example of prescription eyewear, sun lenses are essentially made past diffusing a mixture of dyes in a polymer substrate or in a tintable blanket. For the plano sunwear business organization, coloring is achieved by mass mixing an injection mold of polycarbonate for instance. Polarized lenses are made by using dichroic dyes in pre-formed stretched films or encapsulated wafers. The dyes are generally a mixture of primary colors in unlike combinations to achieve the desired hues based on the principle of subtractive color mixing (Baillet et al., 2008). [2] The well-nigh common hues are brown and grey.

In the fashion and high-operation sunwear business, ane finds mirrored lenses manufactured on the principle of interferential lite rejection stacks and/or a mix of tinting by assimilation and rejection mirror technologies.

By definition and usage, sun lenses are fabricated exclusively for outdoor purposes. The night intensity of the lenses, both plano and Rx, allows very good protection against blue lite, especially by brown lenses where the yellow dye content in the mixture is in the majority (Fig. eight).

Sun lenses in brown and grey showing that, at equal photopic transmission (15% Tv), the brown lens filters more blue light than the grey lens, as it contains more yellow dyes in its formulation
Fig. 8: Sun lenses in chocolate-brown and grey showing that, at equal photopic transmission (15% Tv), the brownish lens filters more blueish light than the greyness lens, as it contains more yellow dyes in its formulation

4. Photochromic lenses

Photochromic lenses are not-permanent tinted filters containing photochromic dyes fabricated from molecular structures that are reversible under the action of light (DÜrr et al., 1990). [eight] Their tint or colour is obtained through the same principle of color-subtractive mixing as sunwear lenses.

There are, yet, several notable differences in manufacturing technologies, including the cast in identify (CIP) process wherein photochromic dyes are added to the monomers before polymerization, and the imbibition procedure, where photochromic dyes are absorbed into the surface of a lens. In these first two examples, a dedicated polymer allows the photochromic mechanism and movements to occur, and requires unlike polymers for each refractive alphabetize (for prescription lenses). The coating applied science, meanwhile, wherein photochromic dyes are added to a coating deposited past dip – or preferentially, by spin – allows the process to exist substrate contained. Photochromic lenses are highly efficient in protecting against glare, since their darkness (photopic manual) automatically adjusts to the amount of outdoor low-cal, whether overcast, in shadow or in brilliant sunlight. Because they always acclimate to various lighting levels, they help the visual system to adapt instantaneously without compromising visual performance or comfort.

The reward of photochromic lenses similar Transitions® Signature™ lenses is that they are dark exterior when sunlight is bright and intense, and then they offer a high level of blue low-cal filtering much similar regular sun lenses. They tin can be worn all the times and offer good indoor protection against artificial blue lights with no aesthetic drawbacks such equally residual yellow color (Fig. 9).

As described before, colour-balancing tin help to limit the yellowish attribute of a given filter. For photochromic lenses, where a very depression level of yellowness needs to be overcome, the smart color balancing is put to full utilise. Merely a slight corporeality of dyes are used to deceive the eye (and subsequently the brain) to start the xanthous aspect induced past chemical species providing the blue blocking properties.

A specific family of loftier technology products like Transitions® XTRActive® lenses, which allow activation of the photochromic molecules behind the windshield of a vehicle, present the unique advantage of having a lite tint indoor and a stiff tint outdoor, leading to enhanced blue light-filtering at all times (Fig. nine and ten) cheers to specific proprietary photochromic molecules that intrinsically absorb in the bluish region of the visible spectrum.

Overlay of un-activated and activated spectra of Transitions<sup>®</sup> Signature™ grey and chocolate-brown lenses [A] and Transitions<sup>®</sup> XTRActive<sup>®</sup> grey and brown lenses [B]

Overlay of united nations-activated and activated spectra of Transitions<sup>®</sup> Signature™ gray and brown lenses [A] and Transitions<sup>®</sup> XTRActive<sup>®</sup> grey and brown lenses [B] 2

Fig. 9: Overlay of un-activated and activated spectra of Transitions® Signature™ gray and brown lenses [A] and Transitions® XTRActive® grey and brown lenses [B]

Blue filtering protection offered by Transitions<sup>®</sup> lenses at 23°C (ISO 8980-3 calculation 380nm-460 nm range)
Fig. ten: Blue filtering protection offered past Transitions® lenses at 23°C (ISO 8980-three calculation 380nm-460 nm range)


Visible light reaching the retina is essential for visual perception. Despite several self-protection mechanisms, the retina in the human centre can be exposed to light levels that exceed its natural defenses and can cause long-term irreversible impairment. The lifelong buildup of lite-induced phototoxicity can contribute to age-related changes and retinal cell degeneration.

Preventing excess exposure and aggregating of blue-violet calorie-free indoors – and especially outdoors – during one'southward life seems similar common sense.

Transitions® photochromic lenses – and, in particular, Transitions® XTRActive® lenses – offer the optimum visual experience, regardless of lighting conditions, while providing an platonic protection against blue-violet low-cal under all circumstances (Fig. 11).

Fig. eleven:  Blueish lite benefits delivered by different optical solutions in the eyewear manufacture


  • Light plays essential role in the evolution of visual role and visual performance
  • The sun is the most powerful source of light
  • Blue calorie-free is higher in energy than the other wavelengths in the visible spectrum
  • Depending on exposure blue light may impairment the retina
  • Eyewear industry provide dissimilar solutions for bluish filtering such as antireflective coatings, yellow arresting filters, sunday lenses and photochromic lenses
  • Transitions® photochromic lenses offer the optimal visual experience and ideal protection confronting harmful blue light


Do Transition Lenses Filter Blue Light,


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